Cookie Policy

With this cookie policy, the website operator informs the user of the website about the use of cookies or similar storage technologies (hereinafter referred to as "cookies") on this website.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored by the web browser on the user's device for storing certain information. The next time you visit our website using the same device, the information stored in cookies will be returned to our website ("First Party Cookie") or another website to which the cookie belongs ("Third Party Cookie").

The information stored in the cookie and returned by the respective website recognizes that the user has already accessed and visited it using the web browser of their device. We use this information to optimally display the website to the user according to their preferences.

However, only the cookie itself on the terminal is identified here. Any further storage of personal data will only take place if the user gives us his explicit consent or if this storage is absolutely necessary in order to use the offered and called service.

Consent to the use of cookies

Cookies, which are not absolutely necessary to make the services available on this website, are only used with your consent. By consenting to the use of cookies on the basis of a notice provided by us on the website ("cookie banner"), the user agrees to the use of cookies.

The cookie settings can be customized by the user at any time, for example by activating or deactivating individual cookie categories.

How the user generally deactivates or can delete cookies in his browser (including the strictly required cookies) is described under "deactivating or deleting all cookies".

Legal basis

If the user has given consent to the use of cookies on the basis of a notice given by us on the website ("cookie banner"), the lawfulness of the data processing pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR. If no consent is requested, our legitimate interest (ie interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of this website and services) within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. f DSGVO is the legal basis for the use of cookies.

Type of cookies

This website uses the following cookies:

  • Transient cookies (for temporary use)
  • Persistent cookies (for time-limited use)

Transient cookies are deleted automatically, when you close the browser. In particular, they include session cookies. They save a so-called session ID, which allows the various requests of your browser to be allocated to a common session. This allows your computer to be recognised when you return to the website. Session cookies are deleted when you log out or close the browser.

Persistent cookies are deleted automatically after a specified period of time, which can differ per cookie.

Categories of used cookies

Depending on the purpose and function, we divide the cookies used by the website into the following categories:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies
  • Functional Cookies

Essential cookies

Absolutely necessary cookies ensure that this website or service works properly. This means that without these cookies, this website or the service can not be used as intended. This type of cookie is used exclusively by the website operator (First Party Cookies) and all information stored in the cookies is only sent to this website.

The following strictly required cookies are used on our website:

Name Purpose Type Expires / Max-Age
SupportPortalProdStickyCookie performance cookies Transient session

Absolutely required cookies can not be deactivated or activated individually. The user has the possibility at any time to adjust his cookie settings or to disable cookies generally in his browser (see point "deactivation or deletion of all cookies").

Functional cookies

Functional cookies allow this website, information provided, such. For example, the user name or the language selection to save and provide the user based on improved and personalized features. These cookies collect and store only anonymized information.

The following strictly functional cookies are used on our website:

Name Purpose Type Expires / Max-Age
.AspNet.Consent Has the cookie banner been clicked Persistent 12 months
FunctionalCokies Opt-out for functional cookies Persistent 12 months

The user can object to the use of Functional Cookies at any time by adjusting his cookie settings accordingly.