Infineon Aurix: SoC Attaching error after LBIST


After LBIST is executed, winIDEA performs attach to re-connect. If HSM is used, it will automatically run after LBIST, so there's no need to use HSM auto-start initialization file in winIDEA. Enabled option Stop boot core to execute initialization and default CPU synchronization settings from the initialization file will cause stopping the CPU0 will stop also HSM. This might be a problem if an internal/external watchdog is used and serviced by any of the cores - if stopped, the watchdog will perform a reset causing an SoC attaching error.

Possible solutions

CPU executes a soft reset and LBIST

Refer to the topic Breakpoints stopped working after reset

winIDEA build 9.21.83 and newer

1. Configure core synchronization options (disable core which must run) via Hardware | CPU Options | Debugging | Synchronize all cores.

2. Uncheck Stop boot core to execute initialization option in Hardware | CPU Options | Reset. 

Additionally the peripheral suspend can be configured via "..." button. More information in Suspend peripherals. 

winIDEA build 9.21.82 and older

1. Uncheck Stop boot core to execute initialization option in Hardware | CPU Options | Reset. 

2. Add initialization file to Hardware | CPU Options | Initialization at Attach | Initializewhich has below two lines commented out (it doesn't assert suspend line on attach, which is welcomed after reset to ensure that no peripherals are running).

//A CBS_TLC   L  0x00000030    //TL1 forced to active
//A CBS_TLC   L  0x00000000    //TL1 force removed

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