
Watch Window
NXP/ST Power Architecture / MPC560x, SPC560P, SPC560B: Watches & Disassembly showing illegal instructions 13-Mar-2025
Later in the debug session, after observing a certain variable through a pointer or directly, some or all the values in the Watch windows get corrupted and the Disassembly Window displays the message Illegal Instructions . The value of the variable is not modified, it is only read. Possibl...
Creating a Python initialization script via the Watch Window 17-Oct-2024
If you need to for example repeatedly inject data into your application to test a piece of code, the Watch Window can generate a Python script that writes data to memory exactly as it is configured in the Watch Window. Solution 1. Open the Watch Window via the View | Debug | Watch Window. ...
Bad visibility of modified or focused symbol in Watch Window 16-Oct-2024
When a value is modified or a specific symbol is focused, the text is colored red, and the background grey, which provides bad contrast. This is changed in updated versions of winIDEA, but t he older default color stays in saved options values. Possible solution Delete the *.XTRF file to s...
A variable in Real-Time Watch Window doesn't display correct value and is not updated 01-Aug-2024
Possible solutions Enable Real-time update in the Watch window Symbols in the Watch window may not be updated while the application is running due to a disabled Real-time update. Check your download files Most often the reason for the incorrect symbol value displayed in the Watch window is...