ARM Cortex-M: How to manually configure DWT Data Comparator 1?


For specific use cases and linking the Comparator 1 winIDEA offers manual configuration of the DWT moduleUse cases cover comparing values on Address or/and Data with an option Ignore LSB bits:

1. Address
  • Compare on Address on Data Access
  • Compare on Address Range on Data Access

2. Address and Data
  • Compare on Address and Data Value on Data Access
  • Compare on Address Range and Data Value on Data Access

3. Address 1 / Address 2 and Data
  • Compare on Address 1 or Address 2 and Data value
  • Compare on Address 1 range or Address 2 range and Data value

A more simple configuration is possible via Analyzer Configuration / Profiler dialog and Profiler Data Area dialog.

More resources:

Follow Tutorial Tracing with BlueBox tools which will guide you through basic configurations.

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