FreeRTOS: Configuring running task profiling


If FreeRTOS is selected as the operating system in the application settings, the Profiler is automatically configured to capture data about which task is in the “RUNNING” state at any given time.


Possible solution

To record this data open Analyzer Window:

1. Go to the Profiler configuration page.

2. Ensure that the OS Objects area is enabled.

You will notice the Object Expression area to be configured to “pxCurrentTCB”. This variable holds the pointer to the Task Control Block of the currently running task, and is used by the Profiler to determine which task is running at which time. 

3. Record trace recording. Task execution information will be shown in the timeline.

This method only captures tasks when they are in the “RUNNING” state, and does not give you any information about other states a task might be in. If you want to get that information, you need to utilize an instrumented approach with the help of an XML description which we can help you implement. Refer to our FreeRTOS webinar for more details.

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