
winIDEA SDK: How to install SDKs? 19-Feb-2025
Solutions winIDEA SDK can be obtained from the official website or, for Python, from a public server. Website You can findinstallation packages on the official website for the following programming languages: Python Java C++ C# MATLAB LabView Public server winIDEA SDK for Python can be eas...
winIDEA SDK: missing iConnect.dll error in winIDEA 29-Nov-2024
You recently installed the latest version of winIDEA and encountered an error message stating that iConnect64.dll is missing. You are using Python winIDEA SDK for controlling the BlueBox and the Target. Possible solutions Use Pythondistributed with winIDEA installation In winIDEA, we provi...
winIDEA SDK / Vector CANoe: Connectivity failed 06-Nov-2024
Most likely native libraries are not copied to the correct folder. Possible solution ConnectCSLib.dll and native isystemConnect.dll must be copied to the CANoe executables folder location ( Canoe/Exec32, Canoe/Exec64 ) or to the Windows system folder. It is advisable to copy BOTH native li...
winIDEA SDK: writeRegister() call not working 23-Sep-2024
When trying to write a value into a specific Special Function Register (SFR register) using the writeRegister() SDK function an error occurs, stating that the specified register doesn't exist. Possible solution Method CDataController::writeRegister() can write to Core Registers only. For S...
winIDEA SDK: Install winIDEA SDK for custom Python installations 23-Sep-2024
To use winIDEA SDK for Python with custom installations refer to Python in winIDEA . More resources winIDEA SDKs - Download page winIDEA SDK - winIDEA SDK User's Guide Python - winIDEA SDK User's Guide
winIDEA SDK: Set a breakpoint on a specific core 22-Jul-2024
To set a breakpoint on a specific core it's important to understand that each core needs its instance of the Connection Managerand Breakpoint Controller. Possible solution To set a breakpoint on a specific core with a Python script, you have to: 1. Create a Connection Manager ConnectionMgr...
winIDEA SDK: Install Python 22-Jul-2024
There are three different ways to use winIDEA SDK with Python. For more information refer to the Python chapter in winIDEA Help. 1. Custom Python installation from Python Package Index (PyPI) - recommended 2. Python distributed with winIDEA installation 3. winIDEA SDK with installers for s...
How to control the power of an embedded target in automated testing? 22-Jul-2024
For automated testing, it is often required to control the power of a target device. No matter if the target should be power-cycled to have a defined state for tests or if the target should only consume power when tests are actually executed. There are several options how target power cont...
winIDEA SDK: FNet controllers 10-Jun-2024
Please refer to winIDEA SDK User's Guide -Facade for more details about FNet controllers. Controllers are: CFNetDIOCtrl CFNetmDIOCtrl CFNetAINCtrl CFNetAOUTCtrl CFNetCANCtrl CFNetLINCtrl CFNetCounterCtrl CFNetSPICtrl CFNetCtrl