TriCore Eclipse IDE: An Error had occured. See the log file


TriCore VX-toolset v6.3r1 Eclipse IDE requires a 64-bit Java Runtime Environment (JRE) v8 or above. The installer tries to detect if a 64-bit JRE is already present. If not, it will install JRE build v1.8.0_162.

If multiple JRE versions are installed, it might happen that the Eclipse included in the TriCore v6.3r1 uses a JRE version that is not compliant with the Eclipse version used. When the Eclipse IDE is started, this use case can cause a launch error:

An Error had occured. See the log file C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Local\TASKING\v6.3r1\eclipse\configuration\XXXXXXXXXXXXX.log

Possible solution

To mitigate this, you need to force Eclipse to use a selected JRE version by following the below steps:

1. Modify the eclipse.ini file in the \ctc\eclipse sub-directory of the product installation directory. Add the following two lines at the beginning of eclipse.ini:

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_202\bin\javaw.exe 

Make sure to modify the path according to your installation directory of the 64-bit JRE.

2. Relaunch the Eclipse IDE.

If the JRE 1.8.0 build 162 is not installed, it is possible to install it by executing the file jre-8u162-windows-x64.exe located in the \ctc\reinstall sub-directory of the TriCore installation.

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