Build an ADS Limited project using SmartCode as an external toolchain


The Infineon AURIX Development Studio (ADS) Limited includes a SmartCode version for evaluation purposes. To build ADS Limited projects using, for example, a newer evaluation version of the SmartCode product or a commercial version, you can configure SmartCode as an external toolchain.

  • Install SmartCode.
  • Install ADS Limited software.

Locate the licopt.txt file in the /etc sub-directory of the SmartCode installation directory and copy it into the following directory, replacing the existing file.
C:\Infineon\AURIX-Studio-limited-1.9.22-L\plugins\ \build_system\tools\Compilers\Tasking_10.1r1\etc

This example path is for the ADS Limited version v1.9.22. If you are using a different version, the path will include a different version number entry.

    Steps to build an ADS Limited project using an external SmartCode installation

    Perform the below steps within the ADS Limited Eclipse environment:

    1. Select Project Properties | C/C++ Build | Tool Chain Editor to change the Current toolchain to External TASKING SmartCode

    2. Select Project | Properties | C/C++ Build | Settings | Tool Settings | Settings and under Path settings in the menu, enter the path to the \ctc sub-directory of the  SmartCode installation. The below screenshot depicts the settings for SmartCode v10.3r1.

    3. When SmartCode v10.2r1 or higher is used:

        a. Select Project | Properties | C/C++ Build | Settings | Tool Settings | TASKING C/C++ Compiler Language

        b. Ensure the following checkboxes are disabled, as these options have been discontinued since SmartCode v10.2r1.

               Support for C++ I/O streams (--io-streams)

               Support for C++11 I/O streams (--io-streams=cpp11)

               Support for C++ exception handling (--exceptions)

               Allow the 'wchar_t' keyword(C++) (--wchar_t-keyword)

               C++ anachronisms (--anachronisms)

    4. Build the project.

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