Infineon Aurix / TC3xx: Rejecting FLASH operation. Start address not valid


winIDEA checks if the start address from the Symbol file (ELF file) points to the same address specified in the STAD (Start address) field of any valid UCB (UCB_BMHDx_ORIG or UCB_BMHDx_COPY, BMHDx for x=0, 1, 2, 3). If it doesn’t, FLASH programming is rejected and a warning appears: 

  • Error programming message box 
  • Rejecting FLASH operation, device would be improperly configured. Start address not valid  in the Progress window.

Possible solution

Note that wrong UCB can lock the device permanently and that number of writes to UCB is limited. Refer to this topic for more information. 

If you are sure UCBs are OK and the Application start address in the Symbol file is the correct one, then you can adjust the following settings.

1. Open Hardware / CPU Options / Debugging.

  • Set an option If device is about to be programmed to non-destructive state (Image checker) to Allow programming or
  • Uncheck option via Optional Device Checks / Program entry.

In many cases, the whole Application is divided into a Bootloader and an Application. The bootloader is pre-programmed together with UCBs and STAD field from one of the UCB’s point-to-start addresses of the Bootloader. If after that the Application is downloaded, UCBs are already pre-programmed, and the start address in the Symbol file points to the start address of the Application which is different from the one already pre-programmed in UCBs.

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