winIDEA 9.17 / 9.21: Load Code and Load Symbols options


With version 9.21 winIDEA IDE confronted a few changes. Refer to Session Configuration in winIDEA Help for more information. One of the changes affected are commands Load Code and Load Symbols. 

winIDEA 9.17

The configuration for Download Files (Load Code) and Symbol Files (Load Symbols) was accessible from a single menu Debug | Files for Download | Edit.

winIDEA 9.21

The configuration is done via two separate menus to accommodate the software design of complex SoCs.

Load Symbols

To load symbols, adding a symbol file is configured via Debug | Session Configuration | Applications | Symbol Files.

Note that the same file can contain both, symbols and code. In such case, typically the same file would be configured under Load Symbols and Load Code configuration.

Load Code

To load code, adding a download file is configured via Debug  | Session Configuration | SoCs | Program Files.

Note that the same file can contain both symbols and code. In such a case, typically the same file would be configured under Load Symbols and Load Code configuration.

Please be advised that if you use the same ELF file for code and symbols, you have to change the file at both locations if you want to use a different file.

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