Flash programming fails


Possible problems and solutions

Use the latest verified build

Open Downloads web page.

Wrong CPU selected

Double check the target CPU designation and verify that a matching CPU is selected in Debug | Configure Session | SoCs.

CPU is reset by either external watchdog circuitry or internal CPU watchdog during the flash programming procedure

Disable all reset sources during debugging. More information is available in Active Watchdog issues

The number of Flash write/erase cycles is limited

The exceeded limit can result in failed programming or data corruption (not very likely but it is possible): Try performing Flash programming on another target featuring the same MCU/FLASH device.

Target CPU is faulty

Replace the CPU or use another target for test.

SFR database doesn't match the winIDEA version you are running

Refer to the SFR Selection chapter for more information about controlling the SFR database location and behavior.

Debug session isn't stable

Refer to How to configure max debug frequency topic to ensure that under all circumstances the debug communication will work reliably.

Check other topics on Flash programming
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