winIDEA uses a FLASH monitor to program FLASH during download operation. The debugger first initializes part of the target RAM where the monitor will be placed, then downloads the monitor and executes it. If an External Watchdog is triggered it causes the CPU to reset, which invalidates RAM and the flash monitor stops working. Hence the error message displayed by the debugger. Refer to the topic of Active Watchdog issues.
The reason could be:
You should:
1. Detect and log reset on PORST’ pin. Refer to the topic Active Watchdog issues (solution logging).
2. Use Logic Analyzer (if available) and verify, if the DAP that starts the sequence, corresponds to the sequence shown in the example below.
The start of emulation on TriCore DAP. Trigger is set to the positive edge on RESET. After reset DAP communication goes via two lines (DAP0 and DAP1). It switches to 3-pin mode if DAP Wide is selected. DAP protocol is a message-based protocol. The debugger sends a command (telegram) and ECU answers to the command at the same line.
Zoomed recording when reset is released.
Zoomed recording when the first DAP telegram is sent. The first telegram is SYNC telegram where ECU answers with 0xAAAAAAAA (See the 10101010101010101 stream).
(In most cases that is the pin 40 on ST1 connector). The bent pin disables the connection between the debugger and the Target or causes a short-circuit with the pin 38 which is usually most of the time low.
Check which Debug Mode (Standard, Wide) is supported.
It is recommended to connect the TRST' pin:
Signal TRST’ (previously DAPEN) is used to select either DAP or JTAG on power-on reset. It is important which logic level is present on the TRST' pin during power-on reset sequence: if logic 0 - JTAG is selected; if logic 1 DAP is selected.