NXP/ST Power Architecture: Trigger point (frame 0) position is not displayed


With Nexus trace, which is a message based trace, actual trigger point (frame 0) is most likely not be displayed next to the instruction which generated the trigger event.

The Nexus trace port broadcasts only addresses of non-sequential branch jumps. All the sequential code in between is reconstructed by the debugger based on the code image available from the download file. There is no exact information to which of the inserted (reconstructed) sequential instructions the trigger event belongs. Nexus trace port broadcasts a dedicated trace trigger message beside the non-sequential branch messages.


If there are 30 sequential instructions between the two non/sequential jumps and there was a trigger event in between, trace will always depict the trigger at the same position regardless which one of the 30 instructions generated the trigger event, therefore the misalignment between the trigger event and the belonging code is seen.

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