On-Chip trace logic monitors the CPU execution inside the SoC.
Obtained data is compressed using trace protocols and either:
- Streamed out through the trace port, where BlueBox debugger is capturing the data on the trace port. Each sample is time-stamped by the BlueBox timer.
- Captured in the internal trace RAM (On-Chip trace buffer - OCTB), where trace data is uploaded through the debug port after it was time stamped by the On-Chip timer.
To synchronize events all recorded samples should use the same (or synchronized) timer:
- If a BlueBox timer is used with all the samples, events are synchronized by design.
- If an On-Chip timer is used in combination with ADIO, CAN/LIN, synchronization is required.
Possible solution
To synchronize events from different time domains (BlueBox and On-Chip timer) check the Generate time synchronization messages option (if supported) in View | Analyzer | Analyzer Configuration.
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