Arm Cortex Cypress Traveo II: Debug session initialization prerequisites


Traveo II devices require a debug interface operating at a frequency higher than 1500 kHz. This permits the debugger to execute the necessary debug initialization procedures fast enough and within the device start-up time window constraint after the CPU reset line is released by the BlueBox.

winIDEA will report a warning while connecting to the CPU if the debug interface frequency is not configured properly.

When the application is properly linked and programmed into the Flash, the CPU will stop after resetting at the address to which the reset vector points to. If Flash contains no valid code (e.g. empty device), the CPU will stop in the boot code.

On all Cypress Traveo II devices, use the Regular RESET method for reset in initialization operation.

Possible solution

1. Follow the Configure Architecture-specific settings tutorial.

2. If in the debug interface: 

  • SWD Debug Protocol is used - set the SWD clock to 1500 kHz or higher.
  • JTAG Debug Protocol is used - set JTAG Scan Speed to 1500 kHz or higher.

More resources in winIDEA Help

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