TLM: Install and start a local license server on a Linux host as a systemd service


Contact our Support team to get the latest local license server software. If you had access to the Support Center (now deprecated) in the past, you can also obtain the latest software from there.

The preferred way to start the local license server is to use it as a service in Linux.

To do so, follow the below steps in the shell prompt:

1. Switch to a root user (Superuser) using:

sudo su -

2. Make sure you are in the root directory and not in the home directory of the current user. If you are in the home directory of the current user you can switch to the root directory using:

cd ../

For example:

root@<computername>:~# cd ../

Now you can notice the difference between :~#  and :/# in the command prompt.

3. Create a new directory named MyTemporary within the /opt directory of the root directory.

root@<computername>:/# mkdir /opt/MyTemporary

4. Suppose the local license server software is downloaded in the <username>/Downloads directory.

Unpack the downloaded file in the /opt/MyTemporary directory using:

unzip /home/<username>/Downloads/ -d /opt/MyTemporary

For example:

root@<computername>:/# unzip /home/<username>/Downloads/ -d /opt/MyTemporary

A GNU zipped TAR file is now present (SW000089-vX.YrZ.tar.gz) in the /opt/MyTemporary directory.

5. As root user, unpack the tar.gz file in the directory where you want to install the local license server.

tar xzvf SW000089-vX.YrZ.tar.gz -C /opt

For example, to install in /opt:

root@<computername>:/# tar xzvf /opt/MyTemporary/SW000089-v2.1r2.tar.gz -C /opt

Now the taskinglm directory is created in the /opt directory.

6. Determine the Security ID of your license server by executing the following command:

root@<computername>:/#./opt/taskinglm/bin/licd -I

Send the Security ID and the serial number of your tools license to us by email ( In return, you will receive two emails:

  • One with the local license server activation key, attached as the licdopt.txt file.
  • Another with the product activation license key, which needs to be copied into a file named licdfile.txt.

7. Create a new directory named /etc in the /opt/taskinglm/ directory.

root@<computername>:/# mkdir /opt/taskinglm/etc

8. Create a file named licdfile.txt within the /opt/taskinglm/etc directory and copy the license key content included in the license key email for your serial into this file.

9. Copy the licdopt.txt  file attached in the email with the subject:

"TASKING License Key for the Local License Server vX.YrZ on the Linux computer system with security ID  <...>"

into the /opt/taskinglm/etc directory and adapt it afterward, for example, to activate the entry for the Linux environment for LICD_LICFILE instead of using the default entry for Windows.

10. To run the local server as a systemd service, create a new service file called taskinglm.service, in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory.

root@<computername>:/# nano /etc/systemd/system/taskinglm.service

This will open the Nano editor with a blank file named taskinglm.service. Now add the following content to this newly created file:

Description=TASKING License Manager

Adapt the License Manager path specified in WorkingDirectory and ExecStart.

For this FAQ, it is assumed that the license manager is installed in the /opt/taskinglm/bin directory.

To save and exit Nano, click Ctrl + X, then confirm with Y to save changes, and click Enter.

Make sure the taskinglm.service file has -rwxrwxrwx permissions. That is, the owner, group, and others have read, write, and execute permissions.

11. Now run the local license server as a systemd service via:

root@<computername>:/# systemctl daemon-reload
root@<computername>:/# systemctl start taskinglm

Additional Commands

  • To check the status of taskinglm.service, you can use the command:
 root@<computername>:/# systemctl status taskinglm
  • To stop the taskinglm.service, you can use the command:
root@<computername>:/# systemctl stop taskinglm
  • To disable the taskinglm.service, you can use the command:
root@<computername>:/# systemctl disable taskinglm
  • To enable the taskinglm.service, you can use the command:
root@<computername>:/# systemctl enable taskinglm

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