NXP/ST Power Architecture: Rejecting FLASH operation. No valid entry address in RCHW


Before performing a FLASH download, winIDEA verifies if the Entry point address specified in the Symbol file (ELF file) matches the Application start address specified in the first valid RCHW record of the download image. If this doesn't match, FLASH programming is rejected and a warning is shown: 

  • Rejecting FLASH operation, the device would be improperly configured. No valid entry address in RCHW in the Progress window
  • Error programming

Possible solutions

It is recommended to follow these steps:

  • Verify the entry point address
  • Verify the content of the boot records for correctness
  • Disable the Image checker

Verify the entry point address

Perform the following steps to find the entry point specified in your Symbol file:

1. Open Debug Configure session Applications | App Symbol Files.

2. Right-click on the Default ELF file and select Dump ELF. The generated file is automatically opened in a text editor.

3.  The Entry point address is displayed in the top section of the file.

If multiple ELF files are used in your application, only the Default file for debugging (as selected in Debug | Configure Session | Applications | App | Symbol Files) is considered by the Image checker. 

To set the Entry Point, go to Hardware | CPU Options | <core> Debug Entry | Preset PC after stopped in init and set to Preset to Entry Point. You can preset the entry point to the Entry Point if it's specified in the ELF file or you can specify it to a specific address.

Verify the contents of the boot records

1. Prior to FLASH programming perform a download in Demo Mode.

2. Use the Load Map to inspect the boot record (RCHW) locations as specified in the TRM of the selected SoC.

3. At the first location which contains a valid boot tag, inspect the subsequent 4 byte aligned location for the Application start address.

Disable Image checker

If you are confident that your device will boot properly (e.g. the entry point address is specified elsewhere, such as a bootloader defined in a separate .elf file), you can disable the Image checker by changing the following settings:

1. Open Hardware | CPU Options |  Debugging.

2. Uncheck option Check if program entry point is reachable.

3. Set the option If device is about to be programmed to non-destructive state to Allow programming.

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