Arm Cortex Energy Micro EFM32: Trace port configuration


GPIO port selection for Energy Micro EFM32 trace initialization is configured as script arguments in the CPU Options dialog. The script is distributed with winIDEA in the SFR folder. 

Possible solution

1. Add the custom script TraceInit_EFM32xxxx_a.cpp to Hardware | CPU Options | Analyzer | SoC Initialization.

2. Configure initialization script parameters:

  • bySWOPin - Set the SWO pin when the SWO trace protocol is used.
  • byParallelTraceLocation - Set the location for parallel trace port location when Parallel trace protocol is used. Additionally, only some of the trace pins can be enabled on the trace port. Connect them accordingly to the debug/trace connector.
  • byTDnPEN - The number of enabled pins should match the Parallel Trace Port Width set in Hardware | CPU Options | SoC.

Default setting:

  • bySWOpin - Pin_0
  • byParallelTraceLocation - Location_0
  • byTDnPEB - 1

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