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Infineon DAS Wiggler plugin enables the Infineon DAP miniWiggler directly within winIDEA to allow direct programming and debug control of AURIX devices. Supported IDEs and licensing 32-bit winIDEA version 9.21.48 or higher 64-bit winIDEA version 9.21.48or higher with DAS V7.0 The tool is f...
When AURIX devices are in debug mode, Watchdog is enabled by default , but the Watchdog Timer is unconditionally suspended (stopped), which means that the Watchdog never resets the chip. To use the Watchdog during debugging, you have to disable the Watchdog Timer suspended logic (or enable...
This guide helps with the transition from using the INI files to using winIDEA GUI settings to configure synchronization and peripheral suspension. If you are also migrating from an old winIDEA version, please refer to the general transition guide as well. In the older winIDEA versions ( 9...
Solution These command line options provide maximum debug information when using GHS Compiler: dual_debug full_debug_info Omoredebug You should not use ignore_debug_references compiler command line option. For more information refer to Missing callstack information when using GHS Compiler ...
Possible solutions Command line Use the following compiler command line option (for Generate Target-Walkable Stack) : -gtws. To get maximum debug information with GHS Compiler follow this link . Calls tack Generation Probe different callstack options, e.g. if Automatic does not work, try w...
The following cross-over tables list all available Converters and their target connection. The tables explain which BlueBox Debug Adapter or Active Probe the particular Converter can be used with. iC7 iC5 More resources inHardware User Manuals iC7 / Active Probe Adapters iC5 Debug Adapters
The voltage levels for the debug interface are configured within winIDEA via the CPU Options dialog. Solution Make sure Vref is selected for Debug I/O levels, otherwise, the debug session fails or may behave unpredictably. 1. Open Hardware | CPU Options | Hardware . 2. Select the Vref opti...
You would like to synchronize: The basic debugging operations across multiple winIDEA instances, independent of the BlueBox platform and processor family The execution of a custom Python script using winIDEA SDK Possible solution With emuSync you can keep track of many different winIDEA ap...
The Callstack Window doesn't show current call stack content or the displayed info is incorrect. Possible solutions Compiler optimization The compiler can optimize the code to the extent that the required information being used by the debugger to extract theCall Stackcontextis not availabl...
To be able to write to the SFR register you need to use the modify() call. Possible solutions Drag and drop an item to the Watch Window This way you will get the correct syntax and to find out the name of the SFR. Use this syntax in P ython Backslash '' \ '' in P ython is also used as an i...
Variables missing from the structure or two structures in the ELF with the same name but slightly different types are usually caused by compiler excessive code optimization. Possible solution winIDEA offers an option to control the resolution of variable locations from Symbol table. 1. Ope...
The following applies only in winIDEA 9.21.99 and older. When the regular Special Function Registers (SFR) window is expanded, winIDEA tries to read all of the expanded SFR registers. As soon as there is an access error, it stops reading the SFR registers and prints out the error message S...
DAP over CAN Physical Layer Converter (DXCPL) enables debugging via the regular CAN pins of the ECU connector without opening its housing. This connection is electrically robust due to the nature of the CAN bus. The DXCPL Converter translates Infineon AURIX™ SPD (Single Pin DAP) encoded DA...
Some possible reasons for this error to occur: Watchdog issues Clock source for CPU is set with higher frequency than allowed or predictable CPU suspended / in reset / running in sleep mode No debug line symbol available to put the breakpoint to stop the CPU winIDEA cannot attach to the co...
This topic describes what to do if winIDEA Editor window shows inconsistent or no glyph margin (grey strip or column on the left side of the Editor), icons (glyphs, LoC (Line of Code) markers, debug line symbols,...) for debugging of the opened source file thus disabling source-level debug...
Programming applications to a microcontroller can take a lot of time, especially if the application is large, the storage device is external memory and the data rate is slow. Possible solutions Minimize download time - general settings Check the frequency of the debug interface and set up ...
When launching winIDEA, IDE Special Function Registers (SFRs) are expanded to a dedicated SFR location on your computer. If winIDEA detects that the SFR database is corrupt, missing, or does not match the winIDEA version, it restores it. Note that the SFR database could get corrupt if eith...
While debugging, some functions (or source lines) cannot be stepped over. The dialog Step Operation in Progress appears. If the CPU is run, the same function executes normally. One of the possible root causes for such behavior is that the function that is being stepped over uses interrupts...
JTAG Chain scan functionality enables you to define IR/DR Prefix/Postfix values which could be entered in Hardware |CPU Options |JTAG . That is important when several devices are connected in a chain and you want to debug for example the second one. Possible solution From winIDEA build 9.2...
The Debug Entry feature in Hardware | CPU Options | Cores allows you to configure per-core startup actions. To access the Debug Entry settings for the boot core, go to Debug | Configure Session | SoCs | Startup. Use cases Want to debug a core immediatelyafter it is released from reset? 1. ...
Callstack display is one of the fundamental tools in the debugging process. Solution: 1. Open the Callstack Window via View | Debug | Callstack . 2. Set a breakpoint in the function. 3. Observe the entire callstack of the beginning of the execution up to the breakpoint. 4. Observe how to s...
A special Function Register (SFR) is a register within a microcontroller that controls or monitors various aspects of its function, e.g. GPIO control registers, or processor status registers. Solution Create a custom SFR Windowthat contains only the registers you select. 1. Open View | Deb...
The best method to write to the One-Time-Programmable (OTP, also shadow, TEST, UTEST) Memoryregions is by running a script, which uses winIDEA SDK to connect to winIDEA. I t is recommended to verify the script accuracy before writing to the OTP Memory, since the OTP Memory can only be prog...
Solution Each winIDEA version has a unique build number with a committed number, e.g. 9.21.222 (162707). 1. Open Help | About winIDEA . 2. The build number is located at the bottom of the window:
How to download new code/data when the application temporarily allows debug port access? For security reasons, your application can block access to the debug port,restricting readout or tampering of the firmware. In such a case, there is often some special code written in the application t...
If the CPU starts to behave unpredictably (e.g., the debug session status changes from the expected state RUN or STOP to SoC Attaching or Initialized ), ensure you are not making any unintended memory reads. Possible solution Close all debug windows and see if this resolves the problem. Th...
While establishing a debug session with the secondary core by performing Download an error appears: Cannot connect to server RC1 . Possible solutions Open ports 5235 and 5304 Open these ports in the Windows Defender Firewall or any other hardware or software firewalls you are using. When d...
Sometimes the Target CPU can end up in an unrecoverable state after the debug session is established and operational . Neither performing the Download or Reset command regains winIDEA control over the Target CPU. Possible solution Try to restart the whole setup via a Power Off/On cycle. Co...
winIDEA shows question marks "??" in the Memory Window whenever a memory read at a specific memory location fails. Possible reasons No physical memory is present at the specific memory. The debug interface memory read command fails for some reason. The memory is not accessible after the mi...
Use the Directories page to help winIDEA locate (or share) the source code referenced in Symbol Files . This is necessary to allow source-level debugging. Possible solutions You can locate files: From View | Symbols From an open Editor document If the original path to the source files is k...
winIDEA stores various temporary files in %TEMP%/iSYSTEM , or if specified, %ISYSTEM_TEMP% directory. Most of the created files are meant to speed up your debugging experience and they remain there even after winIDEA is closed. winIDEA will clean up such files regularly, but depending on w...
Maximum debug interface frequency ensures that under all circumstances the debug interface communication works reliably, which is especially important during FLASH programming, where in the worst case an error in transmission could cause the CPU/SoC device failure. Higher debug interface f...
With the SFR dump method, you can determine what CPU registers were changed between two points (e.g. between reset and some function, function entry and exit, CPU reset, and CPU initialization, etc.) and find issues via low-level debugging by revealing and comparing the content of two CPU ...
Find a bug in your code using basic debugging principles: Breakpoint bisecting Stepping into and over the code Using microcontroller documentation For a m ore detailed visualization of the whole configuration procedure follow the Breakpoint bisecting Tutorial .
Watchdog periodically resets your system which can cause problems such as u nintended reset during flash programming or mass erase operation, failed debug session, etc.; however it can detect failures, e.g., if your system has hung or it is no longer executing the correct sequence of code....
Solution To disable ENDINIT protection and be able to change the registers, add this line to any initialization file: A CBS_OCNTRL L 0x000000C0 // Disable ENDINIT More resources in winIDEA Help Initialization sequence Internal Flash programming
The procedure described below generates a searchable text file containing the same information (address, data, debug symbol, opcode, operands...) as in the Disassembly window. With this, you can: Find opcodes Find a ccesses to specific addresses (e.g. write to SFR register) Disassemble a s...
When an active External Watchdog / System Basis Chip (SBC) or Internal CPU Watchdog is not serviced properly, i t can cause problems such as: Unintended reset during Flash programming or Mass Erase operation Error 258:Failed to initialize debug session BlueBox loses control over the CPU af...
Renesas RL78 devices have On-Chip debug security ID setting area. The values programmed to this device memory area are compared to the values of the bytes set in the winIDEA. If these two do not match, you get different effects when trying to debug this device like: RL78 ERROR Unlock ID co...
When trying to establish a debug session, the message Reset is INACTIVE appears in the Progress window and/or log file. Explanation The reset line state is reported for informational purposes . It is the state sensed on the reset signal of the debug connector. Message is usually informativ...
With Target Download functionality you can write to memory from a file without resetting your target system. Solution 1. Open Debug |Configure Session |SoCs | Target Files . 3. Add files via the Add button you want to write to the target memory. 4. Go to the Startup page and s elect Target...
winIDEA can displaydescriptive bit field Enums in the Watch window. Solution 1. Open Debug |Debug Options| Symbols . 2.Select an option from Enum display drop-down list: Enum - Displays the value as an Enum. Integer - Displays the value as a number. Enum (Int) - Displays value in both repr...
You can unlock the TexasInstruments TMS570 device with the AJSM unlock keyin winIDEA for temporary debug access. More information in winIDEA Help TMS570: AJSM Unlocking .
Possible errors are: CPU variant not found Invalid SoC Error reading INI file (Errors when trying to perform memory writes contained in an initialization file) SoC not specified Empty Programmable memory devices list in Hardware |Options Empty Boot Core selection in Hardware |CPU Options |...
Using software breakpoints impacts the checksum result. The debugger inserts a dedicated “software breakpoint” instruction on addresses where software breakpoints are set. These “software breakpoint” instructions are not visible, e.g. in the Disassembly or Memory Window at software breakpo...
In some cases an update of the SFRs can be in tens of seconds. Therefore it is recommended to create a custom SFR group with the SFRs of interest. Possible solutions Check how to create a custom SFR group: Creating a custom SFR window - Tutorial Special Function Registers in winIDEA - Vide...
Possible solution 1. Close all debug windows in winIDEA. 2. R un the application from the reset state on. This ensures that the debugger doesn’t access any Target CPU resources while the application is running. This also best mimics Target running standalone without the debugger connected....